Grenfell Protests: 6th , 14th and 15th June 2019, London

On 6th June backbench MPs will debate the scandalous failure to rehouse Grenfell tenants or remove toxic waste, improve building and fire regulations, and remove dangerous cladding and other risks to homes.

We will join Grenfell and housing campaign groups at:

Parliament Square, London from 11am on the 6th of June 2019

Let’s demand action on homes, an end to housing deaths and Justice for all at Grenfell and those round Britain still threatened by cladding and building failures.

Please email your MP asking them to join the debate:


Friday 14th marks the Grenfell two year anniversary, with a Silent Walk in London:

7pm start:

And in other cities and towns across the UK.


On the 15th June, Grenfell community organisations are holding a protest march to demand justice and action on toxic waste and rehousing.  We are backing this march, and invite local groups to invite a speaker, order leaflets and build support from others in your area. 

We will be assembling at Downing Street, SW1 12 noon. Join us, with other tenant groups, trade unions and community organisation, to demand justice.

See leaflet:


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Stop HA Deregulation and Next Organising Meeting, London – 25th May 2019

Our next organising meeting is on 25th May 2019, 11am-1pm at:

Unite Office, Moreland St EC1V 8BB. 

Come along, or email ideas and reports from local housing action.

Plans from 27 April meeting:


Housing associations (HAs) – Stop Deregulation and Sell-offs

Let’s push to return Housing Associations to their roots and restore public regulation and accountability. 

Can your tenant, community, trade union or political party discuss this resolution?:


And ask them to sign up to our Charter for Housing Action too:

Get in touch for more details, leaflets or to discuss these plans.


Bad Housing Makes Us Sick: Action Plan and Next Steps


Bad housing group


More than 100 housing campaigners, tenant reps, doctors and health workers, trade union members and others came and made for a brilliant day of sharing ideas, being inspired and planning action. 

See the final action plan below.  Thanks to everyone who came and/or supported the event. 


Final Action Plan:

Support and build 15 June ‘Grenfell – Never Again’ protest march in central London

Demand grant funding for existing and new council housing.

We need an enforceable right to repairs for all tenants, linked to a regular inspection regime

Housing rights must be enacted and reinforced, with extended and strengthened independent tenant organisation

Back to campaigning – street stalls and action to expose Universal Credit, empty properties, temporary accommodation, NHS- and other public land sales or other local issues

Back the Charter for Housing Action in 2019 – get wider support and extend the alliance for action

Stop the deaths due to bad housing – event at parliament date tbc


Workshop action points:

A)     Universal Credit and benefit cuts

Stop and scrap Universal Credit

Scrap the Bedroom Tax and reinstate rent controls

Campaign to take the arguments out to people (including at job centres) and challenge the culture of blame and stigma

Demand commitment to no evictions due to benefit arrears – from councils, housing associations and private landlords

Lobby Labour and others including GPs organisations, for a change of policy on benefits

We need an accessible information and welfare rights network


B)      Housing Safety after Grenfell

Support and build a demonstration in central London 15 June: especially highlight housing and health contamination issues

Extend Freedom of Information Act to cover any private contractor delivering publicly-funded services or used by public bodies, eg HAs

Promote and distribute ‘Tower Blocks UK’ safety check list and encourage local distribution to tower blocks

Bring building regulation and controls back into public hands and extend tenant control


C)      Housing insecurity and mental/physical health wellbeing

Community action – link housing and health activists; protect community

Cost of housing crisis estimated at £100-£150,000 per head.  This needs to be invested in community health, including legal advice, community action, and decent, secure,affordable homes

Stand together – Unite!




Photos courtesy of Debbie Humphry.


Bad Housing Makes Us Sick – Event, London, March 30th 2019


Bad Housing Makes Us Sick


Join us at the ‘Bad Housing Makes Us Sick’ event on March 30th in London.

This day of discussion with doctors, homeless campaigners and others will focus on how our housing problems are linked to growing mental and physical ill health. 

Raquel Rolnik, former UN Housing Rapporteur, who exposed the Bedroom Tax during her 2014 UK visit, will open the event.

She joins Guardian columnist Dawn Foster, campaigning doctors, Generation Rent, Fran Heathcote of PCS union, Deborah Garvie from Shelter, Justice for Grenfell and Ellen Clifford of Disabled People Against Cuts.


Please find the days programme here: Bad Housing Makes Us Sick programme


Time and Place of the event:

10 AM – 4PM at Unite The Union, Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB


Workshops planned for the day include:

  • Universal Credit and Benefits Cuts, What They Are and How to Fight Them
  • Housing Safety After Grenfell
  • Housing Insecurity and Mental Health


Let us know if you want any publicity materials, and share the Event:

And book your place here:


We look forward to seeing you there,


bad h


Grassroots Campaigns Updates



Grassroots campaigns are stepping up across the UK. Support local action in your area and let’s make a stand on housing justice this year.

See the latest campaigns in Southend:


East London:


Please share and support these groups and also please sign and circulate this petition objecting to Housing Association homes being sold off:

Send details of any housing actions in your community you want to share and publicise. Email us or contact us on social media.


January 2019 Briefing and Next General Meeting – February 16th, London

In January we welcomed the Shelter commission report ‘Building for our future – A vision for social housing’ and the recommendations for:

•       A 20 year programme of investment to build 3.1 million social homes

•       New, effective regulation of all landlords

•       Tenant organisation or tenant unions

•       Reforming private renting, including ending Section 21 evictions

We think this needs to include:

•       A clear commitment to build 100,000 council homes a year for rent at social rent with secure tenancies

We will campaign for all political parties to include a commitment to implement these recommendations, in their next election manifestos.   Alongside this, we will actively support a campaign to implement the Shelter recommendations, and push for more action – now and in the future – to ensure a society where everyone has a safe, secure home they can afford.

We will be working with TUC London East and South East to create wider support and action on this, and on the detailed action points from the Housing Summit.

If you can, come to our next organising meeting on 16th February 2019 11am at:

Unite office 

33-37 Moreland St, London EC1V 8BB 

All welcome to help organise action in 2019.  Or email any questions or suggestions.  Please see our decisions from the last meeting:







Next General Meeting – January 12th 2019, London


We are meeting next Saturday 12th January 10am at Unite office 33-37 Moreland St London EC1V 8BB (note earlier time and venue – near Old Street station).

We will finish in time for people who want to take part in the National demonstration: Britain is BrokenGeneral Election Now! 12.30pm BBC Portland Place London. Meet with banners opposite new BBC entrance in Langham Place W1B 2QS

This open organising meeting will make action plans, based on the Key Campaign Points (see below) from the “Safe, Secure Homes for All” summit on 8 December.  We agreed then that whatever 2019 brings, we  won’t allow the housing crisis – and the millions of people who are suffering because of it – to be forgotten.  If there’s an election, we need to make sure housing is high on the agenda.

Two new leaflets you can download here, or get in touch for print copies:

Briefing – Beware fake council housing:

Safe, Secure Homes for All Summit – Action Points for 2019



The 2018 summit was an important landmark in our on-going campaign to win safe, secure Homes for All.  About 180 people attended during the day, from a wide-range of places, campaigns and backgrounds.  We want to develop this broad-based alliance in the coming year.

2019 is bound to be one of political uncertainty.  But whatever happens, we won’t allow the housing crisis – and the millions of people who are suffering because of it – to be forgotten.  If there’s an election, we need to make sure housing is high on the agenda.

Key Campaign Points form the Safe Secure Homes for All summit 8 December 2018:

Resisting Estate Demolitions

1.    The Right to Stay Put

2.    Fair Ballots

3.    Link up campaigns on different estates

4.    End two-tier tenancies

5.    No social or ethnic cleansing

Housing Associations (HAs)

1.    Accountability to residents

2.    Democratise HAs

3.    Direct government funding for new and existing homes

4.    More campaigning and protests


1.    No combustible or toxic cladding, internal or external, on homes of all heights, with  guaranteed protection from cold while cladding and insulation are off

2.    Sprinklers on all blocks above four storeys

3.    Government to pay for all essential safety works, as promised

Private Renters

1.    Charter of Rights to include:

2.    End Section 21 evictions

3.    Secure tenancies

4.    Stop overcrowding

5.    Rent controls

Universal Credit (UC)

1.    No evictions by councils due to rent arrears caused by UC

2.    Councils to call for same commitment from HAs

3.    Build a national network of support

Investing in Council Housing

1.    Government must adopt a national investment plan

2.    Tenants must make demands on council landlords through independent organisation

National Housing Summit – December 8th 2018, London: Programme


With the shocking numbers of people homeless and in temporary housing still soaring, Ministers are doing nothing. So the National Housing Summit taking place this Saturday 8th December 11am-5pm at Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, LONDON WC1H 9BD, is a place to plan for action.
Hear Generation Rent, Tower Blocks UK, Parliamentary Campaign for Council Housing, Sian Berry of the Green Party, Matt Wrack FBU and Kevin Courtney NEU, Emma Dent Coad MP plus many more housing, fire safety and benefits campaigners.

The full timetable for the day can be found here, or see below:

Registration is open from 10.30am; you can sign in and choose your two workshops at the registration desk (this helps us to allocate the biggest rooms to the largest audiences).

Tea, coffee and beigels available at lunch and please let us know if you can bring food to share, or bring your own packed lunch if you prefer.

11 A.M Opening session Speakers:
Tower Block UK/Ledbury Action Group Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union Joe Delaney North Kensington tenant rep Sian Berry London Assembly, co-leader Green Party Parliamentary Campaign for Council Housing report – Jamie Sweeney Eileen Short Homes for All
12-1.15 PM Workshops (A, B and C)
A) Safe homes – we won’t stay at risk (1) with Danielle Gregory Ledbury Action Group, Graeme Lang Malus Tower TRA Salford; Ruth London Fuel Poverty Action; Hilda Palmer Hazards Campaign; Moyra Samuels Justice4Grenfell; chair Tanya Murat
B) Private renters organise for justice with Jacob Mukerjee Generation Rent; Camilla Carmellin London Renters Union; chair:
C) Stop universal credit arrears and evictions with Miriam Binder DPAC, Sally Causer Southwark Law Centre, Nick Phillips London Unemployed Strategies Chair Peter O’Kane
1.15-2 PM Lunch 
2 – 3.15 PM Workshops (D, E, F, G)
D) Safe homes – we won’t stay at risk (2) continuing the discussion and action planning from workshop A (see above) with other additional speakers including Joe Delaney chair Andy Bain
E) Housing association and co-op tenants organise Housing association tenant reps plus Suz Muna Unite Housing Workers; Niall Mulholland London Housing Coops chair: Peter Denton
F) Stop estate demolition – we demand a ballot Paul Burnham Haringey Defend Council Housing; Sonia McKenzie Fred Wigg & John Walsh campaign chair Nahied Attique Fenwick estate
G) Invest in council housing now Martin Wicks Swindon Tenants Campaign Group; Duncan Bowie author ‘Radical solutions to the housing supply crisis’ chair Marj Mayo
3.30 PM Closing session
Report and one key recommendation for action from each workshop
Closing speakers: Graeme Lang Malus Tower TRA Salford Kevin Courtney NEU teachers union Joe Delaney Lancaster West estate TRA TUC London East and South East Emma Dent Coad MP