Join us next Saturday to finalise plans for two big events. You can
pick up the new leaflet for the National Housing Summit – including the impressive list of speakers and workshops:
Meeting to be held on Saturday 10th November, 11am at London Unite office 33-37 MORELAND STREET EC1V 8BB near Old St (note new venue).
If you can’t make it, let us know if you want leaflets, and email with any suggestions and updates.
A week later, housing groups will meet from 11.30am opposite BBC entrance, with banners and placards, to say Migrants did not cause the housing crisis – we reject racism and fascism. Our contingent will march on the National unity demonstration:
Join us – and spread the word!
‘No demolition without permission’, mobilised 2-300 people and lots of
banners at last Saturday’s London City Hall protest.
See :
People were keen to join together and step up the action – hopefully
many will be at the Housing Summit on the 8th December:
With desperate housing pressure mounting, and the issue back at the
heart of the political agenda, now is the time to come together, work
out our common ground and next steps – and refuse to be divided by
tenure, geography or by racism.