No Demolition Without Permision – Rally at City Hall, London 3rd November 2018



Sign our petition to halt demolitions of our social housing estates:

We are building and supporting a protest taking place at City Hall, London  12 noon on Saturday 3rd November.

For further context to this critical issue, watch the BBC programme Inside Out (3rd Sept, link below) which revealed 8-10 London estates are scheduled for full or partial demolition:


General Meeting – October 8th 2018, London

We’ve had a busy and productive month. We had several days of intensive lobbying and leafleting at Labour Party conference.  This led into a good fringe meeting, with 40 people from a range of places and backgrounds.  The over-arching message was the need to step up our demands, and build a united, national campaign to win Homes for All.

Regarding the Government green paper on housing there are three main issues to be aware of are a) threat of new stock transfer programme b) use of league tables for housing services c) setting up of National Tenant Voice.  All of these could be used to advance privatisation and/or fake council housing (e.g. by use of local housing companies).

Our next meeting will be on Monday 8th October, 7pm, National Education Union HQ, Hamilton House, Mabeldon Place, London WC1H 9BD

All welcome. Email us reports and actions from your community.



Next General Meeting – 15th September 2018, London


Join us at the next Homes for All campaign meeting on Saturday, 15th September 2018.

11am – 1pm at:

Tybalds Close Estate Community Hall

Basement, Bleumundsbury House

Dombey Street WC1N 3JP

The meeting is open to all.  Please let us know if you have any reports from your community or would like to add anything to the agenda.

The action points from last meeting can be found in our Resources


Here is our Response to Labour’s Housing Green Paper:

Use this as an outline for local responses to help determine Labour’s future policy.

And congratulations to the local campaign in Bath that’s prevented Curo Housing Association demolishing their homes:


Generation Rent: End Unfair Evictions – Petition


“England is one of the only countries in Europe that allows people to be evicted without private landlords having to give a reason. The threat of being kicked out without doing anything wrong causes insecurity and stress for millions of familes, and makes people suffering shoddy housing scared to complain”

Sign Generation Rent’s Petition on 38 Degrees to abolish Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988:




Clockers – Justice for Grenfell Charity Screening: July 1st 2018 Genesis Cinema, London



Spike Lee’s “Clockers” (1995) portrays the struggle for survival in urban America. Based on Richard Price’s 1992 novel, the film is set in a housing ‘project’, where a young man battles against a future without hope.

As President Trump prepares to visit the UK, the film’s themes of poverty, brutality and racism have enduring power and relevance. The Trump administration has launched a renewed attack on low-income communities, but there are similar things happening here.

The film will be introduced by local housing campaigner Glyn Robbins, who has written a book about the fight for decent housing in the US and UK. In 1992, Glyn was also working on one of the projects where ‘Clockers’ is set and will share his experiences in a Q and A.

This special screening of ‘Clockers’ is jointly hosted by The Genesis and the Homes for All campaign. All proceeds wiill go to Justice for Grenfell.


Facebook Event Page:


Parliamentary Campaign For Council Housing Event, London July 9th 2018

The Parliamentary Campaign for Council Housing is delighted to invite council tenants from across the country to meet MPs and give their views on the current issues and priorities for council housing.

It will take place on 9th July 6-8pm at the House of Commons. 

The event will include a short slot for each delegation to say what they see as the main concerns in relation to council housing locally and nationally.  This can be backed up by written evidence if people want to go into more detail.

We hope this will be written up into a report, and will help to shape the argument for more direct investment in existing and new council housing.

Tenant groups from Leeds, Edinburgh, Carlisle, Swindon, Stroud, Cambridge and Harlow are among those so far saying they will take part. Joint delegations along with local trade unions and councillors are welcome. 

Please email jamie.sweeney (at) if you would like to attend.



One Year On: Justice for Grenfell Solidarity March – 16 June 2018



JUSTICE4GRENFELL and FBU call on people from around Britain who demand justice for Grenfell to join a national solidarity march on June 16th 2018.

One year on and after 72 people have died and 70 injured in the Grenfell Tower fire the government leaves behind a trail of broken promises.


16TH JUNE 2018

12 PM – 4PM



J4G protest with colour for email (1)-1


More information to follow.

Facebook page here:




Homes For All: Election Briefing for May 2018 Local Elections


(incorporating Axe the Housing Act)

Election Campaign Update and Briefing

If elected as a Councillor in May 2018 will you pledge to support:

  • No eviction of tenants in rent and service charge arrears due to Universal Credit
  • Calls on other local landlords not to evict due to Universal Credit arrears
  • Regulation of private renting to include controlled rents, secure tenancies and an end to no-fault and retaliatory evictions
  • 50 per cent council and social rent housing on any new development site and 100 per cent on publiclyowned land
  • A residents’ ballot before any major redevelopment scheme involving demolition or decanting of existing residents
  • Rejecting attacks on migrants: developers, landlords and political policies cause the housing crisis, not migrants
  • Linking up with other councils and councillors to promote a national petition demanding Government deliver promised funding for fire safety improvement works
  • Joining with tenants and trade unions to deliver this petition to Downing Street and/or relevant Ministers



We need to redouble our efforts to achieve Justice for Grenfell and decent, secure, truly affordable and safe Homes for All.

That requires political action to scrap the Housing and Planning Act, control rents in the private sector and invest in existing and new/reclaimed council housing. To achieve this we need to unite as tenants and housing activists, trade unions and politicians who support our aims, from all parts of the country, working together to expose, highlight and challenge the housing crisis.


Un-met need

  • 92% of local authorities (LAs) failed to meet affordable housing need in 2016-17
  • The Government estimates Numbers sleeping rough sleepers in England rose 15% in 2016-17 and 169% from 2010. (MHLGC figures released 25.01.18). These are an underestimate and exclude sofa-surfers, those in temporary, unfit and otherwise insecure housing.

New Homes for rent

  • In England 217,350 net additional homes were created in 2016-17 (DCLG 16.11.17)
  • Of these 2.48% (5,380) were built for ‘social rent’. 1,840 homes were built by local authorities (LA) in England 2016-17.
  • The number of social rented homes has fallen by 151,000, or 4%: 103,642 local authority homes and 46,972 housing association (HA) homes for social rent were lost between 2012 and 2017. (MHLGC- England)
  • Housing associations have 47,000 fewer properties let at social rent in 2017 compared to 2012. The biggest loss is homes shifted to ‘Affordable’ rent tenancies: 102,000 HA lettings have been converted so far.
  • The 15 biggest ‘G15’ housing associations, which own 550,000 homes (21% of all HA homes) started only 244 new homes for social rent, 3 per cent of their total new homes, in the first 9 months of 2017-18
  • New ‘Affordable Rent’ (up to 80% market rent) homes increased by 27% (to 41,530) in 2016-17


Private renters

More than half of the population knows someone who is struggling to afford to rent or buy a suitable home. More than 7 in 10 renters have experienced health and safety issues during their current tenancy, from rodent infestations to doors that don’t lock.  40% avoided asking for repairs, for fear of landlord reprisals. (See Citizens Advice, ‘A state of disrepair’ 2017)

The lack of affordable and social housing is directly trapping families in poverty – 90% of low income private renters face a shortfall between their housing benefit and their rent.

Today in the UK almost 60% of those living in poverty are non-pensioners in working households. In 1994, at 35%, this figure was markedly lower. Poverty rates before housing costs for working households with and without children have remained largely unchanged since 1994. It is only after accounting for housing costs that the poverty has greatly increased.   (These figures from recent research by the IFS and JRF)


Housing & Planning Act 2016

The outline Housing and Planning Act (‘the Act’) was passed in 12 May 2016 and has been disintegrating ever since. Implementation of the Act has largely stalled and the necessary enabling measures are unlikely to get through parliament. Opposition in and outside parliament means:

  • Pay to Stay will not be imposed on council tenants.
  • Right to Buy for housing association tenants is delayed indefinitely
  • Sell-off of “higher value” empty council homes is suspended for two years.
  • Over-priced Starter Homes targets on new developments dropped.
  • Some of the changes to the planning system delayed or dropped.

Local Planning Authorities’ register of “brownfield land” no longer has to contain ALL the brownfield land. Some local authorities are only including large sites which already have planning permission.

The requirement to grant “Permission in Principle” to all sites on the Brownfield Register has also been scrapped. Plans to force local authorities to privatise their development control functions through competition with private providers, have not progressed beyond pilot schemes.

Briefing available to download and share here: H4A _election briefingMay2018