Join Islington Homes for All on Friday 20 October at 3pm outside the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to hand in petition signatures calling on the MoJ to lease 28 empty 3 and 4-bed ex-prison flats to Islington Council for families in need – as had been originally agreed!
We will then have a sleep-out to highlight the scale of homelessness and increase in stress for people being forced to live in unaffordable, overcrowded, insecure and temporary accommodation.
Meet at MoJ, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ at 3pm, Friday 20 October
Bring your sleeping bags – and/or join later for the Sleep-Out.
Please share and sign the leaflet and petition for the 28 Empty Flats here
More about the 28 empty prison flats here