Update from last KtHB Organising Meeting: April 2nd


Thanks to everyone who came to the last campaign organising meeting on Saturday 2nd in London.
We have set ourselves a packed schedule again for the next 2 months. We have already had a massive impact with our campaign by exposing the government’s agenda with this Bill and forcing a public debate about it. Hundreds of amendments have been submitted by the lords, which is delaying the bill becoming law, and now we want to maximise the pressure on MPs and Lords to throw out this Bill when it comes to a vote.
To make our campaign events successful, like the recent national march in London, we have set up a number of working groups.
We have a media team that is writing press releases, writing and designing leaflets and posters, updating the website and facebook page, setting up event pages, doing interviews…
We have an admin team who are managing the email account, liaising with local groups to send out materials, get speakers for local meetings…
We also have teams working on finance, trade-unions, and estates.
Would you like to join one of these teams or can you help with any of these tasks? Please reply by email and we will add you to the email discussion group so you can be actively involved in the campaign co-ordination.
If you (or your group) is a supporter of this campaign and you can
–          add your name to a list of supporters on our webiste,
–          provide speakers for meetings/press interviews,
–          provide stories or quotes for our press releases
–          make a small donation to producing campaign materials
then we really need to hear from you. The strength of this campaign will be the breadth of views and issues it can bring together and no professional spokesperson can put forward our case as powerfully as the people directly affected.
Campaign timetable:
15th of April  – Nationwide sleep-out outside Town Hallls against the housing bill – A chance to hold rolling street meetings, tap into local media, and make everyone aware that the Housing Bill could make any of us homeless!
In many areas there will also be marches with the homeless on that day before the sleepouts
Full details here
Help us keep our sleepout list updated – send us details of your event for our facebook page
and our website
16th of April – Join the Housing Bloc on the People’s Assembly National March for Jobs, Homes, Health and Education. We will be joining junior doctors, teachers, disabled people and all the other groups like ourselves who are at war this callous austerity government.
Join and share the facebook event here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1045107828868094/
Can you help us run a KtHB stall at the demo? Please reply to volunteer
11th May: Lobby our MPs and Lords to vote against this Bill. Contact them now to get an appointment on the day or to ask them to meet you at the meeting inside parliament from 3-7pm (model letter is going up on website this week)
Protest outside parliament from 12pm to 2pm (this is prime ministers question time so bring lots of noise makers!)
18th June: Second national march against the Housing Bill in London – save the date.
The next 2 organising meetings for KtHB will be on Monday the 18th April 6.30pm and Saturday the 30th April 11am  (venues to be confirmed)