Tenants reps from across Britain joined Councillors, trade unions and Defend Council Housing campaigners for the launch of a new Inquiry into what Council Housing needs.
The Inquiry by the All-Party Council Housing Group of MPs (APPG), is inviting evidence from all who live and work or represent council housing, or wish they did. Greater Manchester Tenants Union volunteered to host a follow up session, along with others, and the Unison trade union is giving national support. The Local Government Association is circulating the call for evidence too.
Defend Council Housing and Homes for All agreed to team up to call for a Five Point Plan to provide concrete proposals to help solve the housing crisis.
Read the Interim Report with contributions from: Prof Danny Dorling, Oxford; Dr Richard Goulding, Univ of Sheffield; Dr Neil Gray, Glasgow; Dr Stuart Hodkinson, Univ of Leeds, Dr Joe Penny, Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL; Dr Glyn Robbins, London; Prof Stewart Smyth, University College Cork; Prof Paul Watt, LSE
Invitation to give evidence from Matt Western MP

More info from Jamie.Sweeney@parliament.uk or info@defendcouncilhousing.org.uk