Axe The Housing Act National Summit – Report


October 22nd’s Axe the Housing Act national summit at the National Union of Teachers HQ was a great success, 200+ people, from 30+ different council areas all determined to unite and fight the Tory attempt to turn back the housing clock.

This broad and growing alliance was reflected in the attendance, with council, housing association, co-op and private tenants alongside unions and local councillors. Speakers included reps. from Disabled People Against Cuts, Stand Up to Racism, the British Assoc. of Social Workers, the successful Butterfields campaign and the elected mayor of Hackney. There was also a statement of support signed by 20+ bishops, the Muslim Council of Britain and other faith leaders.

Thanks to all. We agreed a series of actions and events to build the pressure on government and force them to think again








(Photos by Debbie Humphry)


Read Glyn Robbins report on the summit over on 24 Housing here:

And read some of the great ideas and outcomes from our workshops on our resources page.

See more photos on our Facebook page.