Homes for All Manifesto for London Mayoral and GLA elections

Homes for All Manifesto for London Mayoral and GLA elections  

  1. Gentrification is the biggest problem facing Londoners. The Mayor and GLA must lead the fight against gentrification and social cleansing.  
  2. The Mayor and GLA must lead the fight for the eviction ban to be maintained until march 2022, with write-off of arrears accrued during the pandemic until March 2022; and Central government to develop an emergency financial package for tenants and landlords to stop evictions.  
  3. No more funding of estate demolitions. Invest in improvements instead.  
  4. The Mayor to demand adequate fire safety funding from government including cladding replacement and leaseholder protections.  
  5. The Mayor’s housing programme should be 100% council rent with no rent-rigging and no so-called affordable rent homes.  
  6. All private developments to include a minimum of 50% council rent housing or equivalent  
  7. Conversion of all Mayor-funded affordable rent and Mayor’s rent homes back to Social rent.  
  8. The Mayor to lead and support community campaigns to demand adequate council rent housing funding from government, at grant rates that avoid sales of public land, or building unaffordable homes on public land.   
  9. The Mayor to speak out and oppose the government’s Planning White Paper proposals  
  10. The Mayor should revisit the London Plan to ensure that developers build adequate numbers of family sized homes.  
  11. The Mayor must identify and bring back into use all long term empty homes in Greater London.   
  12. All mixed tenure housing schemes to be pepper-potted. No more GLA funding for tenure-segregated schemes.